Is there Life After Innocence?

A panel about wrongful convictions: how do such convictions come about? How does someone get exonerated, and what happens afterward? And, how did we come up with a book of bestselling authors telling the stories of exonorees? 

Panelists are lawyer/writers Leslie S. Klinger and Laura Caldwell of the Life After Innocence project, co-editors of The Anatomy of Innocence; writer Laurie R. King, one of the book’s contributors; Linda Starr, co-founder and legal director of the Northern California Innocence Project; and exonoree Maurice Caldwell,who was arrested, convicted, and spent 20 years in prison for a murder he had nothing to do with. ( )

Wednesday, June 28, 6:00-8:00 at the San Francisco Public Library, Koret auditorium—free and open to the public. Sponsored by Mystery Writer of America, NorCal chapter and Book Passage.  Details, location, and RSVP here: